The evolution of match ballerinas over the centuries.

Match ballerinas' art is as ancient as the history of mankind on earth. 

This art has evolved over the centuries, from the rough exibitions at the age of Roman Empire up to the sophisticated performances of Marie Antoinette's Personal Match Circus.

Here are some pics of Marie Antoinette's favorite ballerinas, Eloise De Flamebeige and Genevieve La Bellejambe.

                                                         Eloise De Flamebeige.

                                                    Genevieve  La Bellejambe.

The charming flames of the match ballerinas have appealed artists from any century, as we can see from one of the most famous painting by Vermeer,  titled "the match ballerina with the pearl earing" .

                                         "The match ballerina with the pearl earing".